- წელი: 2016
- ვერსია: v2.23.13
- ბოლო განახლება: 2024
- ინტერფეისის ენა: ინგლისური,რუსული,სხვა
- დეველოპერი: Securax Ltd
- რეპაკი: უცნობია
- Mod: PRO Unlocked
- ფაილის ტიპი: APK
ZoiPer Pro - SIP Softphone / For Android [APK]

- new gui
- multiple and custom color themes
- better bluetooth support
- reworked network change
- new notification system
***PLEASE NOTE: In-app purchases made from Zoiper Free will not sync with Zoiper Premium and vice-versa. Zoiper Premium includes all advanced features found in Zoiper Gold. If you have previously purchased Zoiper Gold, you already have all the advanced features found in this version.***
ZoiPer is a IAX and SIP softphone application for voip calls over 3G or WiFi. There are NO ADVERTISEMENTS.
For support please visit: http://community.zoiper.com
ZoiPer softphone offers a simple user interface and superb audio quality for smooth Voice over IP experience.
Contact us for whitelabel versions with your logo and company or for our VoiP SDK if you want to build your own solution or visit http://www.zoiper.com/en/voip-sdk
Available for both SIP and IAX systems, ZoiPer is a phone solution perfectly fit for end users, service providers, call centers or any business willing to benefit from VoIP communications.
Want to distribute it to your users ? Use the free automatic provisioning system on http://oem.zoiper.com and avoid tedious manual configurations!.
IMPORTANT: ZoiPer softphone is a standalone client-side software VOIP phone application and is not bundled together with a voip service. To make and receive voip calls using ZoiPer, you must subscribe to any SIP or IAX based service provider across the globe.
ZoiPer's key features include:
- Bluetooth support (beta)
- Lowest battery usage with highest reliability / stability on google play
- Lowest latency of all android softphones
- Excellent audio quality, even on older devices
- Supports calling over 3G and WIFI
- Multiprotocol with SIP and IAX support, compatible with all RFC
compliant PBXs
- Background / multitasking support
- Integration with the native android contact list
- Speakerphone mute and hold
- UDP and TCP transports (use TCP for better battery life!)
- Supports g711 (ulaw, alaw), speex, iLBC and gsm codecs
- Supports sending of DTMF
- Built-in echo cancellation
- STUN support
- Change ringtone per account
- Call waiting
- Video support
- ZRTP / TLS support
- Call Transfer
- Wideband audio
Zoiper is also available as customized branding solutions or VoIP SDK, please contact us for more information.
- Phones that are unstable because they have broken audio implementations:
Alcatel one touch series (poor audio drivers cause system freezes and crashes)
HTC one m8 (causes freezes.)
ასევე იხილეთ:
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